Quilt 1: Snowball and plain blocks
Size: Queen Sized Bedspread
Description: I got into this one not because I wanted to quilt, but because I wanted a bedspred to compliment the wall hanging my mother had made me (and which hangs above the bed in this photo). I didn't expect to like quilting. Actually figured I'd hate it, but got into because I wanted the bedspread... and the rest (as the say) is history.
Status: Finished and now being used

Quilt 2: Ohio Star
Size: King Sized Bedspread
Description: The fabric is all civil war reproduction prints. Priced at about $25 a meter, this was a pretty expensive project - but it turned out beautifully. Now I look at it and can't quite believe I actually made it, but I did. I worked on it throughout the summer months - sitting in 35+C temperatures... was I NUTS? Uh... yeah...
Status: Finished and now being used

Quilt 3: Snowball block kit "Faded Memories"
Size: Medium Sized Throw
Description: Made as a gift for a good friend, this was a kit from "Patchwork With Gail B" - my favorite quilting store. It seemed so TINY after the 2 big quilts. I took this one with me on vacation - worked on it continually and finished it before the 2nd quilt was done. And I will never forget the look on friend Julie's face when I gave it to her (she was delighted).
Status: Finished and now being used

Quilt 4: On Point Lattice Christmas Quilt
Size: Double or Queen Sized Bedspread (haven't decided yet)
Description: I'm surprised at myself, in a way, for not getting this one at least cut out, but there you are. Breast cancer reared it's ugly head about the time I would have started this quilt and so I set it aside in favor of other, smaller projects that I could better handle during the recovery from my surgeries.
Status: Fabric is still in the closet, uncut. But I think about this so much and have studied On Point assembly (which, frankly, has me intimidated) that I'm counting this one as "having been started" just because of the mental work I've done on it.

Quilt 5: Log Cabin
Size: Medium Sized Throw
Description: - This project grew out of the inevitable attack of "fat quarteritis" - a disease which I suppose you really can't avoid once you get into quilting. I found the Teal, navy, green and gold prints at a small quilting shop that was going out of business. I bought the fabric without having a pattern (or yardages worked out) so you just have to know I was heading for trouble. But I managed to work through it all and learned a valuable lesson about not diving in without a firm design and being SURE I've got the required fabric. I also figured out after doing about half the blocks that cutting out the little log cabin bits wasn't smart at all - there's a better, easier way to go.
Status: In progress - Should be finished by the end of this month.

Quilt 6: Log Cabin
Size: Medium Sized Throw
Description: - I love the brilliant sunset colours. With this project (which I started after number 5 but completed long before number 5 was even close to being done) I figured out that the "logs" are easier to do if you use long strips and then just trim (instead of cutting out each little rectangle and THEN stitching). This quilt top went together in a flash.
Status: Finished and now being used

Quilt 7: Simple "framed" blocks
Size: Baby Quilt
Description: The center blocks are a soft pastel Koala print, just adorable. The brown border is an aboriginal-style bark pattern and the grey is much like swirling clouds. I picked up the koala print on the same shopping trip as quilt number 5, and didn't actually have quite enough, but the store "Patchwork With Gail B." had a bolt of the fabric, so I was able to get enough to make this design plausible. I originally intended this for a friend in Ohio but may have some trouble parting with it because it is "that cute."
Status: Top is assembled, awaiting the "sandwiching", quilting and finishing

Quilt 8: My disaster quilt
Size: Double bedspread
Description: Oh dear... this was so painful. I thought the bright, fresh clean prints were so pretty and they COULD have gone together beautifully - but only if I'd had a decent design, which I didn't. The big mistake I made was cutting very small triangles out of the 2 leftmost prints. The 2 prints are just too far apart in texture and visual "weight." They need to be seperated by the dark one on the right - but once I realized this it was too late and I didn't have enough of the dark print.
Status: Stuffed disgracefully in a plastic bag and shoved to the back of my UFO closet. Awaiting inspiration to rehabilitate this one.

Quilt 9: single panel
Size: Small throw-sized window panel
Description: The room where I have my first quilt project gets way to bright and light way too early in the morning. I wanted a drape of some kind to block out light as much as possible, so I put this single panel together. It works beautifully as a light screen. At some stage I'm going to add small bars and pulls and transform it into something of a roman shade (so that it can be lifted when we want the room well lit). But I'm happy with it for now. Quite functional and compliments the bedspread and wall hanging on the opposite wall.
Status: Finished and now being used

Quilt 10: Modified Snowball Kit - "Forbidden Temple"
Size: Medium Sized Throw
Description: Another kit from "Patchwork With Gail B." The photo above isn't too good - but you can get an idea of the overall design. It's just rectangles with little corners of black (snowball blocks made with rectangles instead of squares). The fabric is all Japanese prints - lively and colourful. The effect overall is like an asian stained glass window - just gorgeous. And I adore Japanese prints.
Status: pieces cut out and the top is currently being assembled
SO THERE YOU ARE! One year, 10 projects.
Of course there's quite a bit of uncut fabric still in the closet, and I'm starting to feel the siren call of the quilt shops in my area, so I imagine I'll be going shopping for more fabric soon.