After five years of service, hubby and I decided to retire our old desktop PCs and upgrade to something a little faster. Now... I say "a little faster". Well, it wouldn't take much to be faster than the PC's we've been using.
My machine has been taking 25-30 minutes to boot up. And even once it's up and running, it's sluggish. Much of this is simply due to this equation:
old PC hardware + required software upgrades* = Degraded response time
* You can't ignore "fixes" and whatnot for the operating system, browser, firewall, virus scanner and such. Failure to download and install those would be stupid beyond words.
So, Okay, time to get new machines - and we did. We got them last week: lovely new PCs with lots of processing power. We were thrilled. The new machines boot up and are ready to rock-and-roll within 20 seconds.
Then my world came crashing down. I was working away on a client's website when BLAM... my screen went all blue...

and then it went black:

The computer technician came and looked it over. The problem is almost certainly a hardware failure. -sigh-
In the meantime, hubby's PC has also started "coughing". He got a black screen, too, then had to reboot his machine. When it was back up and running he was missing about half the little shortcut icons on his desktop.
Oh dear...
So the my PC is now on it's way back to the factory. Hubby is still using his, but backing EVERYTHING up to a memory stick as he goes along.
I'm back to using "Old Bessy" - and just very thankful that I've got her to fall back on.
Yeah... I know this had NOTHING to do with quilting...