This one is so amazing that it seems to me Rob has gone beyond "quilter" and into "textile artist".
Look at the lovely piece in it's entirety - notice the edging - simple cream blocks forming side border. And just as with his other pieces, the overall unity - with colours spread evenly around the top.
Here's a closeup. Notice the rounded sides - all rolled and delicately pinched up. And look at the tiny, fine points in each of those centers - just amazing to me that someone could do that. Honestly... I have no idea how this is done (I'll have to look it up in my quilting books). You can bet I won't be attempting this kind of block - not with my all-thumbs approach to quilting.

Again we see some of the same prints as in his other pieces. I especially like the little block in the center of the photo below - the one with the sheet music print - adorable!
And the back - so simple, so very simple and so "right".
I'm telling ya - there's a VERY talented man in Colorado.... Wow.
(Update as of Sept. 4: My good friend and quilting guru Pauline tells me this quilt is an example of "cathedral window" blocks.)