I've got the pieces for the on-point lattice in the center of the quilt, and am starting to lay out the strips. Shown below are the corner piece (for the lower left), then the strtip of green and red lattice, then the next diagonal "row" and so on.

As you can see in the picture above, I've not cut triangles for the edge of the lattice - but instead just cut a square, and will sew the first border (a narrow strip of green) on top, and then will crop away the excess. Just seems easier than cutting itty bitty triangles and fooling with them.
Below is a closeup showing the square hanging over the edge a bit:

Zip, zip, zip and the central section is DONE! (photo of it laying on my bed below):
I have to be honest and tell you that although I thought assembling this section would be pretty simple, it actually wasn't. I kept messing up and sewing the wrong strips together. I'm afraid I used my seam ripper quite a bit on this one, and had to redo several bits. Was I rushing too much? No, just managed to get confused.
But the on-point center is done now (closeup below) and I'm really pleased with hot it's coming along.
Now to get busy and put the borders on. They're mostly just wide strips of the three different fabrics, so it probably won't take long.
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