For example, look at this quilt from last year:

I wouldn't call this a "total fail" - but you cansee that the dark pinks are clustered in the upper half, and the stripe blocks aren't quite as evenly distributed as they might be. It's not like I just threw the blocks down willy-nilly; I did spend considerable time arranging them. But when I'm sorting through and deciding how to arrange blocks like these, it isn't long before my eyes become a little fatigued.
Then I saw a product review for "Sew Red Glasses". And became intruiged. I looked for an Australian source for them, but couldn't find one, so I decided to just buy a pair of cheap red-lense glasses on eBay - and here they are:
Here's a quilt I'm working on now. There are only 12 blocks here, so not really a lot of options on where to put things. Even so, when I put on the glasses, I'll see the blocks differently.
Here's the same block arrangement seen through the glasses.
The red in the glasses makes the image more monochrome/greyscale, and so colour becomes less obvious and contrast between the lighter/darker prints more obvious, making it easier to check the balance.
I suspect that the Sew Red Glasses work much better than my cheapo eBay glasses do, but it's a step in the right direction!
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