August 24, 2016

Quilt 68: "Grow" - DONE!

Well - this one happened in a blink. 

I was at my favorite quilt shop and wandered past the charm square table - finding the most ADORABLE sets there - just 2 packs of a charm square set called "Grow".  The cheery pastel rainbow colours grabbed me instantly (I'm a total sucker for pastel rainbows).  I just had to grab those 2 packs, knowing that they'd give me enough to make a decent sized throw.

I should have done so many things here - like getting a photo of the charm pack (as I try to do) - but I was just on fire for this project and whipped through it without thinking.

I have to laugh, too, because it was right after I finished this that I decided to make a trip back to the US and see family and friends in Ohio, Florida, and Colorado.  And in Ohio my beloved sister-friend Val has the most adorable grand-daughters.  I'm taking a stuffed kangaroo for little Claire - and the quilt you see below will be lovely for her new baby sister Lucy.

52" x 61" - a bit large for an infant, but when she's older I think she may like it.
I went back to the quilt shop earlier this week hoping to find more of those squares - but they don't seem to have them.  I'm so glad I grabbed those 2 remaining packs and didn't wait.  If' I'd waited, I'd have missed out.

Here's the backing - just plain solid green, but the cream quilt thread shows up delightfully:
Bright colours all around. 

I hope I can find more of these charm squares, as I'd like to make a couple of these for Inspirational Quilts.

And, you are thinking..."What about a quilt for Claire?"  Well - yes... that will probably happen at some point.  But Claire is only about 2 1/2 years old and she isn't going to be thrilled with a quilt at this age.  That stuffed kangaroo will be much more to her taste at this stage. 

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