December 5, 2012

Quilt 14: Civil War Prints - DONE!

OH, my. How long ago was it that I started THIS quilt? A Loooooong time ago. My friend Julie wanted a quilt made with these civil war prints. She bought the fabric and I agreed to make the quilt, my labour being a special birthday gift to her. Now.. ahem... her birthday was actually in August (sheepish look from me) but Julie has been patient. And - at last... I'm finishing it! Here we go: I'm stitching together the binding strips:

And now I'm attaching the binding to the quilt top:

Cutting away the excess (I leave just under 1/2 inch to fold the binding over):



Here's a photo of the completed project, with the back flipped at the bottom so you can see the backing fabric Julie selected. I think she chose very well, don't you?

And here's a detail photo of the corner, so you can see the border and binding together. The border picks up the tans from the inside blocks plus adds a splash of navy - very nice! And the binding is something of a "negative print" of the border.

It's been quite a while since I actually finished a project; I've been going through a bit of a dry spell - but hey! Here's one that's done and I'm feeling pretty good about it!

 I do have one other project in the quilting stage - so there's no danger of "quilt withdrawal syndrome", but I'll also start looking at the multitude of projects still in my UFO closet and select the next one to attack.

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