July 22, 2017

Goodbye, Julie Gingras, my much-loved friend

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned that my friend Julie posted a photo of her cat sprawled on the quilt that I made for her last year.  Today I learned from her sister that she passed away a couple of days ago.

A recent photo of Julie with "Nibbs" - one of her fur kids
Julie and I go back 55 years - all the way back to first grade.  That feels impossible to me, but it's true.  And so I sit here remembering her.  I'm feeling sad, of course, but the memories are warm and they comfort me.  I'm also comforted and inspired by the way she lived her life.  She savored every moment that she could, right up to the end.  Hers was a life well-lived.

And I'm especially touched at this moment, because when I went to Facebook to find a recent photo of her for this post, I found the one above - her with her dog, who is laying on the quilt I made for her.  There's a comment about the quilt posted by one of her friends... and she replied with this:

"Of course I had to bring my quilt with me! My friend Liz infused it with love and healing when she made it and the fur kids keep it topped off. No matter the dream, when I wake enough to feel the quilt, I am centered."

I can't even begin to express how I feel when I read those words.

So, Julie, I say "thank you" for the friendship, the joy, the love, and the secrets we shared.  You and I both know that death is not the end, and I hope to hear from you from time to time.

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