May 29, 2013

Just How Many Concurrent Projects Can You Have...?

So I'm back "on the wagon", so to speak, and moving again after my short-lived drop in motivation. I've got the Christmas quilt in "hand quilting" stage, the William-Morris print quilt in "finishing the sandwich" stage (I have to put more safety pins in, as the adhesive spray experiment was a total failure), and now Katherine's quilt in the cut-and-piece stage.

All coming along nicely.

I've also got a couple of other projects that are moving up the queue - a table runner which I haven't told you about (or have I?) and a couple of smallish log cabin throws.

That's how I like it: overlapping projects.

I'm remembering that dark day back in 2010 when I'd finished my first quilt (HOORAY!) only to find that this happened on the day before Good Friday - and my favorite fabric shops were closed for the entire Easter weekend (including Easter Monday).  EEK!  I suffered from quilt withdrawal and vowed then never EVER to be without a project at the ready.

Well, folks, I sure made good on that vow. If you've been following this blog for long, you know I've got an enormous UFO stash.

Well, it makes me happy - keeps me off the streets.

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